
Find a Refractive Surgeon


Name: Teste

Cell: 55(21)2274-5694

Address: Rua Visconde de Piraja 550 - 1701 - 22410-003 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

Primary Subspecialty:
Refractive Surgery


Name: Teste

Cell: 55(21)2274-5694

Address: Rua Visconde de Piraja 550 - 1701 - 22410-003 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

Primary Subspecialty:
Refractive Surgery


Name: Teste

Cell: 55(21)2274-5694

Address: Rua Visconde de Piraja 550 - 1701 - 22410-003 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

Primary Subspecialty:
Refractive Surgery


Name: Teste

Cell: 55(21)2274-5694

Address: Rua Visconde de Piraja 550 - 1701 - 22410-003 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

Primary Subspecialty:
Refractive Surgery


Name: Teste

Cell: 55(21)2274-5694

Address: Rua Visconde de Piraja 550 - 1701 - 22410-003 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

Primary Subspecialty:
Refractive Surgery

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What is a Refractive Surgeon?

Refractive surgeons are worldwide leaders in laser vision correction and other surgical treatments performed to eliminate or reduce the need for glasses or contact lenses by correcting refractive errors of the eye, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

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