
2018 Casebeer Award: Prof. Michael Mrochen

Professor Michael Mrochen, PhD (Dr. rer. medic.) is fully dedicated to improve the diagnostics and treatments with ophthalmic medical devices from scientific, technological and business perspectives. He developed multiple technologies in the field of ophthalmologic medical devices that lead to new applications and products to the market. In particular, he is recognized as a leading figure in customized corneal refractive surgery, corneal cross linking, tissue addition technology, biometry, wavefront sensing and vision behavior monitoring. During the past 20 year he co-founded multiple ophthalmic companies driving innovation from work bench to clinical praxis in ophthalmology.

Prof. Mrochen’s scientific achievements are represented by more than 120 peer reviewed articles, book chapters and proceedings in the field of ophthalmic devices. He further generated more than 30 national and international patents and patent applications. Prof. Mrochen is co-founder of the International Congress of Wavefront Sensing and the International Congress of Corneal Cross Linking.


  • Troutman Award 2003 of the ISRS International Society of Refractive Surgery and the American Academy of Ophthalmology.
  • Swiss Technology Award 2005 for the development of customized contact lenses
  • Finalist for the Swiss Economic Award 2007 for corneal cross linking (last 3 in high tech)
  • DOC German Ophthalmic Surgeon Society 2010, Bronze Medal
  • DOC German Ophthalmic Surgeon Society 2013, Silver Medal
  • Listed under the 100 most influential people in ophthalmology in 2014 (The Ophthalmologist)
  • DOC German Ophthalmic Surgeon Society 2015, Silver Medal
  • ISRS International Society of Refractive Surgery, Recognition Award 2015
  • EyeAdvanced, Indian Academy of Ophthalmology, Meritorious Service Star, 2016
  • American Academy of Ophthalmology, Achievement Award, 2016
