
2018 27th Annual Richard C. Troutman MD DSC (HON) Prize: Dr. Yumeng Wang

Dr. Yumeng Wang received her Bachelor of Clinical Medicine degree from Shandong University, China, in 2013, on an Outstanding Students Scholarship from the same university 2009-2013. In 2015, she obtained her Master of Medicine, major in Ophthalmology, Shandong University, and completed her residency in Ophthalmology at Shandong Provincial Hospital. In 2018, Dr Wang received her PhD degree in Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences on a full Postgraduate Studentship 2015-2018, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Currently Dr Wang conducts postdoctoral research at the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Dr. Wang’s research areas include investigations of keratoconus on imaging, corneal properties, genetics, epigenetics and pathophysiology. She also utilizes investigative technologies, such as spectralis OCT, swept-source OCT, OCT angiography, Pentacam and Corvis for corneal studies in children especially on corneal structural parameters and biomechanic properties in children with low vision and refractive errors. Her other research interest is development of myopia in school children on genetic factors, parental influences and corneal properties.

Dr. Wang received an ARVO Travel Grant Award in 2017, and was awarded a top presentation prize at the 6th Li Ka Shing Foundation International Ophthalmic Research Student Forum, Shantou, China, 2017. She has been invited to give talks at WOC 2018, ARVO 2017, and scientific meetings in Tianjin, Osaka, and Hong Kong.

Dr. Wang has contributed more than 20 publications in SCI international peer review journals and 2 book chapters.
