Warren E. Hill, MD completed his ophthalmology training in 1985 at the University of Rochester in New York and has been in private practice since that time in Mesa, Arizona. He is best known for his work helping physicians to obtain accurate IOL power calculations. His web sites doctor-hill.com, the artificial intelligence IOL power calculator RBFCalculator.com, the SIA-calculator.com surgically induced astigmatism calculator and the ASCRS post-refractive calculator, developed with Doug Koch, MD and Li Wang, MD, PhD at Baylor University are some of the most popular IOL power calculation resources in ophthalmology, with a combined total of over 350,000 visits per year.
Dr. Hill has published extensively, delivered 24 named lectureships, presented 740 clinical papers at national and international meetings in 42 countries, is an Adjunct Professor of Ophthalmology at Case Western Reserve University and is a member of the International Intraocular Implant Club. From 2007 to 2010 he served as the Cataract and Anterior Segment Subspecialty Editor for the American Academy of Ophthalmology’s Ophthalmic News and Education (O.N.E.) Network.
Dr. Hill has delivered the 2014 ASCRS Innovator’s Lecture, the 2014 APACRS Arthur Lim Lecture, the 2015 AAO Charles Kelman Lecture and the 2016 UKISCRS Rayner Medal Lecture.
Aside from the practice of ophthalmology, Dr. Hill’s other passion is flying military airplanes in air shows as a member of a close formation demonstration team for which is licensed as a multi-engine commercial pilot. Each year this team regularly performs at a wide variety of air shows, including the EAA (Oshkosh) AirVenture, the largest such event in North America.