
2017 Lans Distinguished Award: Dr. Leonardo Mastropasqua

Leonardo Mastropasqua is Full Professor in Ophthalmology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University “G. d’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara. He is currently Head of the National High-Technology Center in Ophthalmology and the Center of Excellence in Ophthalmology, National President of the Ophthalmology Society of Italian Universities (SOU), Scientific Advisor of the Directive Council of the Italian section of IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness), and Board Member of the EUCORNEA Society. 

He has authored more than 240 original scientific articles published in peer review journals included in the Journal Citation Report, book chapters and monographs in ophthalmology. He is Scientific Reviewer for numerous international journals, including Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual SciencesJournal of Refractive SurgeryJournal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, and British Journal of Ophthalmology. Prof. Mastropasqua is also Associated Editor of BMC Ophthalmology Journal and Editorial Board Member of the Eucornea Journal and Eye and Vision Journal. 

His principle fields of interest include refractive surgery, corneal pathologies and surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma, and advanced ophthalmic imaging. He was a pioneer in the field of femtosecond laser application in corneal, refractive and cataract surgery and has performed more than four thousand surgical procedures per year (anterior and posterior segment) and approximately 2000 refractive procedures.  
